I just want to explain why I want people to link to me before I ask them to link to me. The reason so many websites have pages devoted to reciprical links is because it benefits both parties involved. The reason that both people gain from it is because of the way search engines operate. A good deal of the search engines/spiders that people use most operate with many things in mind. When you search for, let's say, the phrase "HTML guide frames help" the search engine will quickly scan it's index and pick out the URL's that match the criteria. Let's assume that 10,000 pages are chosen from the millions and millions. How does it narrow it down further?
One way it cuts off the fat is by seeing which URL's use words such as "HTML", "guide", frames", and "help" the most often. The engine will scan the beginning of the document, usually not all of it, and then see which document appears to be most relevant (that is, which one uses the terms most often). That method is often not very helpful, though, because many webmasters choose to have titles such as "John's HTML site of HTML tags for HTML editors and HTML lovers and HTML HTML" and then John throws the word "HTML" into the meta tags about 100 times, and then he make comment tags with the word "HTML" in it repeatedly, and so on. While one might assume that the shadey entrepeneur like John will get placed highly in the search engine rankings, that usually doesn't happen. If the search engine finds too many occurences of the terms, it will often disqualify a page and remove it from it's index. So don't do that, be reasonable.
Anyway, back to the subject:
The reason reciprical links are good for both you and me is because search engines are moving away from that method and are moving towards another, more reliable method. Instead of listing sites according to the amount of times a search term comes up, they are listing sites in order of popularity. How do they measure popularity? They measure popularity by checking to see how many sites link to each site that matches the criteria. If your site matches the "HTML guide frames help" term, and it has 100 people linking to it, then your site will rank highly. So, the more people who link to you, the better, and one way to quickly raise your popularity is thorugh reciprical links. Get it?
So, please link to the Slacker's Guide to HTML. it will help both you and me. It will be another link to your site (and my site gets a good deal of traffic, which will boost your site's ranking even more) and it will be another link to my site!
Use this URL when linking, please, although you are free (obviously) to link to any page you like.
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